
Innovating with Java: Transforming Indian Businesses and Industries

Palanivel Saravanan, leads a dynamic team in solving complex business challenges for diverse clients using cutting-edge technology. Specializing in technical leader- ship, sales, and competitive strategy, he collaborates closely with Oracle Engineering to develop innovative services.

In conversation with Siliconindia Magazine, Palanivel Saravanan shared his views of challenges that Indian developers face in adopting new Java technologies, the role of Java to service public sector organisations to transform their digital journeys

Java stands as a cornerstone in propelling innovative solutions across a broad spectrum of Indian businesses and industries

What are the biggest challenges that Indian developers face in adopting new Java technologies?

Developers today increasingly understand the need for distributed, transactional, and portable applications that leverage the speed, security, and reliability of server-side technology. However, the Indian developers face significant challenges when adopting new Java technologies.

A notable hurdle developers face is the skill gap, as staying updated with the latest Java advancements demands continuous learning. Many developers grapple with integrating new technologies with legacy Java codebases, a complex and time-consuming task. Moreover, choosing the right technology from an ever-increasing ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks poses a different set of challenges for developers. In India, network issues in some regions can also limit access to online resources and global developer communities.

There can be various cultural, organizational factors and institutional factors like the cost of Java certifications, which can also constraint the adoption of new technologies. To overcome these challenges, Government initiatives, educational institutions, and technology companies should create training opportunities to help Indian developers stay current with Java techno- logies.

How is Java being used to develop innovative solutions for Indian businesses and industries?

Java stands as a cornerstone in propelling innovative solutions across a broad spectrum of Indian businesses and industries. Its adaptability, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility remain indispensable on India's path of digital transformation, igniting innovation and progress across diverse domains.

Java plays a pivotal role in the energy, manufacturing, logistics, and telecommunications sectors, enhancing efficiency and optimization. It is also used widely in e-governance initiatives, making government services accessible and convenient for people across the country. Moreover, the fintech sector relies heavily on Java for secure payment gateways, mobile banking apps, and trading platforms, driving the expansion of digital finance. In healthcare, e-commerce, edtech, smart city projects, agriculture, etc. Java's capabilities foster advanced solutions that elevate the quality of life for India's populace.

What are your thoughts on the role of Java to service public sector organisations to transform their digital journeys?

Java plays a key role in assisting public sector organizations in their transformative digital journeys. Java’s adaptability and cross-platform capabilities enable the development of robust and secure software solutions that cater to the specific needs of government agencies. It empowers the establishment of e-governance platforms, making government services accessible to citizens online, fostering transparency, and improving administrative efficiency. It's instrumental in building and maintaining data-driven applications, enhancing data security, and enabling efficient data analysis for informed decision-making. Java's portability allows these applications to run seamlessly across diverse systems, ensuring interoperability in the complex landscape of public sector infrastructure. This makes Java an indispensable tool for modernizing public services, streamlining processes, and delivering improved citizen experiences in the digital age.

"The fintech sector relies heavily on Java for secure payment gateways, mobile banking apps, and trading platforms, driving the expansion of digital finance"

Java’s footprint in the cloud is big and expanding. What are the benefits of using Java on OCI and how are developers betting big on Java’s latest updates to keep themselves relevant and employable?

Using Java on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a combination of performance, security, scalability, and integration that can enhance the development and operation of Java applications. This makes it a compelling choice for organizations seeking a robust cloud environment for their Java workloads. Our latest expertise in Java 21 were recently showcased at Oracle CloudWorld in Las Vegas is a testament of our commitment in bringing continuous innovation and updates for the developer community. We announced the availability of JDK 21, marking the 12th Feature Release adhering to a six-month release cadence, ensuring predictability, and enabling developers to seamlessly adopt innovations. Java 21 comes with thousands of performance, stability, and security improvements, including platform enhancements that boost developer productivity, fostering innovation and growth within organizations.

We have also extended support for Java 11, promising at least eight more years of support and updates through January 2032. These advancements showcased at Oracle CloudWorld promise faster application development, with the flexibility of commercial support available for an extended period, allowing organizations to migrate at their own pace. Oracle's commitment to prolonged support underscores its dedication to the Java ecosystem and the evolving needs of the IT landscape.

What advice would you give to Indian developers who are interested in building a career in Java?

Building a successful career in Java requires continuous learning, dedication, perseverance. With the right mindset and continuous effort, developers can excel in this field and contribute to India's thriving IT industry.

It is important to stay abreast of Java’s latest trends, libraries, and best practices through reading, online courses, and active participation in Java communities. Profound understanding of Java's core concepts, from object-oriented programming to data structures and algorithms, is critical. Collaboration, networking, and engagement with developer communities will also help in gaining insights. Hence, developers should highly engage themselves in building a robust network with peers and mentors.