Mahendra Karanam
According to Mahendra Karanam, CEO of Kalatronics Consultancy Services, technology landscape is on a dynamic path recommending interconnectivity between devices. He perceives that this change is stimulated by the demand in the industry. Nowadays customers question boundary conditions and seek for innovative solutions that can be adapted with newer technologies. Kalatronics Consultancy Services based out of Bengaluru is engaged in the fabless services arena offering services across digital design, Analog design and layout, Analog mixed signal, digital verification, and DFT designs. The company exploits new opportunities that derive advanced technologies through PPA. Kalatronics caters IP core enabled services by maintaining a short time for product deliveries.
At present, the semiconductor manufacturing industry has shifted its focus from the manpower to the time frame within which a product can be delivered. Moreover, with respect to the technology side, the focus is more on the PPA. During the early days of its establishment, Kalatronics took around six months' time for project delivery and has managed to lessen it down to five months. The company has formulated steps to work on fixed costs and wane out the burdens of customers within the preferred time. Mahendra speculates that deadlines are tougher to achieve when it becomes crucial to work on a fixed cost as per the requirement of resources. For managing the timeline, at times the company deploys more resources if required. "We keep on working and correcting our derived innovative technical process to make sure that it can be achieved in the prescribed time at lesser cost. There are various test cases where we have delivered PLL, PCI, SATA, USB issues in a month's time", explains MahendraKaranam, CEO, Kalatronics Consultancy Services. For PLLs, the company turns the pages from insights of previous projects and observes how many plumps can be paralyzed out in a given time.
Mergers and inhouse programs have led the semiconductor industry into a lot of consolidations in the past, including service industries. There are new kinds of demands in the semiconductor market that transform the traditional approach, diminishing the demand for existing parameters in the industry. Kalatronics has lived up to the dream of customers who demand flexibility in services. The company endeavours skills by training internally and addresses pain points through forecasting the opportunities. Kalatronics is striving to keep 90 days delivery time for all kind of semiconductor designs within the next two years. The company, using its derived innovation process, is currently engaged in delivering the cost effective projects. In the previous year the company made a business worth 7.8 Crore in terms of revenue, and is expected to double this year.
Often, the execution of projects takes place in serial steps where redundancy and time lapse occurs. The team at Kalatronics identified this and found a process which parallelises steps to maximum extent and optimizes delivery time. Using technical agile scrum process, Kalatronics delivered SATA3.0 controller to a European customer in 4 months which usually happens in 7-8 months. Several such achievements have secured Kalatronics place in Nasscom.
Kalatronics caters IP core enabled services by maintaining a short time for product deliveries
Mergers and inhouse programs have led the semiconductor industry into a lot of consolidations in the past, including service industries. There are new kinds of demands in the semiconductor market that transform the traditional approach, diminishing the demand for existing parameters in the industry. Kalatronics has lived up to the dream of customers who demand flexibility in services. The company endeavours skills by training internally and addresses pain points through forecasting the opportunities. Kalatronics is striving to keep 90 days delivery time for all kind of semiconductor designs within the next two years. The company, using its derived innovation process, is currently engaged in delivering the cost effective projects. In the previous year the company made a business worth 7.8 Crore in terms of revenue, and is expected to double this year.
Often, the execution of projects takes place in serial steps where redundancy and time lapse occurs. The team at Kalatronics identified this and found a process which parallelises steps to maximum extent and optimizes delivery time. Using technical agile scrum process, Kalatronics delivered SATA3.0 controller to a European customer in 4 months which usually happens in 7-8 months. Several such achievements have secured Kalatronics place in Nasscom.