Sitendu Basak
Ensconced in 2016 under the aegis of Sitendu Basak(Founder), Binashree shapes virtual ideas into solid prototypes by leveraging avantgarde technologies including Polyjet 3D printer and industrial grade FDM printer. While 3D print model gives access to test its tangibility and understand the substantial aspects in detail, this first stage process also opens window for rectification and remodeling. Once the design is finalized, batch production is the next big step and that’s when vacuum casting gains the spotlight. It delivers optimal quality products in
18 different materials and avoids tooling and design rectification, thus rendering cost effective and time saving solutions. Further for commercial purposes, injection moulding is recommended which involves tooling process to add an extra coat of finesse to the final product.
When asked about Binashree’s expertise, Sitendu adds, “Vacuum casting technology is in-between 3D printing & injection moulding which saves time, money and energy for the client. That’s the reason we specialize in vacuum casting technology that is supervised by 15 years of experienced professionals”. Since vacuum casting requires more of manual support, machinery involvement in-house rates to 20 percent only as the major chunk of process are handheld by experts.
Filling the Vacuum with Knowledge
Categorizing customers into three verticals - informed, raw and traditional with respect to vacuum casting, Binashree is a maestro in educating its clients and explains them the process one-on-one. While the informed customers are served with quality solutions within a specified timeline(as demanded),the raw and traditional clients are provided intellectual know-how of vacuum casting, manufacturing details, pricing reduction and
Binashree delivers optimal quality products in 18 different materials and avoids tooling and design rectification
When asked about Binashree’s expertise, Sitendu adds, “Vacuum casting technology is in-between 3D printing & injection moulding which saves time, money and energy for the client. That’s the reason we specialize in vacuum casting technology that is supervised by 15 years of experienced professionals”. Since vacuum casting requires more of manual support, machinery involvement in-house rates to 20 percent only as the major chunk of process are handheld by experts.
Filling the Vacuum with Knowledge
Categorizing customers into three verticals - informed, raw and traditional with respect to vacuum casting, Binashree is a maestro in educating its clients and explains them the process one-on-one. While the informed customers are served with quality solutions within a specified timeline(as demanded),the raw and traditional clients are provided intellectual know-how of vacuum casting, manufacturing details, pricing reduction and
shortened timelines along with a physical tour of complete processing. This customer oriented approach helps in binding more customers on trust basis and quality deliverables, a service centric to Binashree's excellence.
With all the facilities in-house, Binashree caters to diverse sectors with specialization in automotive, IoT devices, telecommunication, medical and daily FMCG packaging. Citing Binashree's association with a German company requiring 500 pieces delivery, Sitendu asserts, “Initially the company approached China for its timeline and price benefits but when we provided the quotation for the project, they gave us the direct order for injection moulding by analyzing our economic prices for vacuum casting & manufacturing”. The company finished the tooling process in 21 days, sampling on the 25th day and started injection moulding on the 30th day;the result of which was prompt quality delivery of mass production project and turning an international client into India geographies.
Recording an annual turnover of Rs.45 lakh, Binashree envisages upscaling to Rs.1 crore and set up a benchmark for vacuum casting with strong holds in Indian market. With Pan India & global expansion plans in pipeline, the company is sure to establish high standard set ups for all OEMs& MNCs to cater to their designing needs, right from designing and injection moulding to final product delivery. Topping that are its commercialization prospects where in Binashree targets upturning all scribbled designs into commercial products within a time span of six months to one year.
With all the facilities in-house, Binashree caters to diverse sectors with specialization in automotive, IoT devices, telecommunication, medical and daily FMCG packaging. Citing Binashree's association with a German company requiring 500 pieces delivery, Sitendu asserts, “Initially the company approached China for its timeline and price benefits but when we provided the quotation for the project, they gave us the direct order for injection moulding by analyzing our economic prices for vacuum casting & manufacturing”. The company finished the tooling process in 21 days, sampling on the 25th day and started injection moulding on the 30th day;the result of which was prompt quality delivery of mass production project and turning an international client into India geographies.
Recording an annual turnover of Rs.45 lakh, Binashree envisages upscaling to Rs.1 crore and set up a benchmark for vacuum casting with strong holds in Indian market. With Pan India & global expansion plans in pipeline, the company is sure to establish high standard set ups for all OEMs& MNCs to cater to their designing needs, right from designing and injection moulding to final product delivery. Topping that are its commercialization prospects where in Binashree targets upturning all scribbled designs into commercial products within a time span of six months to one year.