
The Guiding Principles to Accelerate and Strengthen Your Digital-led Business Post COVID-19

Rajesh holds over three decades of corporate & academic experience and since 2008, he has directed his focus toward teaching and conducting corporate workshops.

The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the world massively and is set to be a long-lasting one. At no point in human history, the populace was so aware of the economic consequences than in the pandemic. But while the worldwide economic situation has been adversely impacted, many businesses have pivoted while many more are digitizing their business.

The future is now, and it is digital. The foundation in the ‘new normal’ playing field while targeting demand, growth, and new business models should focus on the growth and expansion of digital capabilities. As the change in consumer buying behavior has shifted to online mode, nearly 100 percent increase in online sales in India has made leaders, and entrepreneurs realize that this change is a formidable and long- term!
Considering, here are some guiding principles that will help accelerate your business digitally.

Strike for an Integrated Approach
Taking your business digitally cannot work in isolation which is why an integrated marketing approach is needed. Experts believe that brands must be aware of the changing consumer needs and behavior and suggest integrated marketing. Keeping track of every step of consumers and understanding their concerns is crucial in the current situation. The key factors world be staying relevant and opting for a personalized and wholesome experience.

Be Purpose-Driven
Knowing your organization’s mission or vision and serving its purpose digitally will keep you strong in the market. Apart from this, it must be beyond the traditional purpose of making product/service and selling it, and more of how it benefits the consumers. Businesses must opt for a more empathetic approach as well, that serves the ‘purpose’ that is helpful and eventually strengthens your brand image.

Focus on RoI
With businesses going digital, they can now focus on a planned strategy that guarantees the expected ROI rather than going with an experimental approach. This is possible with digital media where one can track the analytics and insights of a campaign, service, article, or even on social media. All the high Return Of Investments generating tools include SEO, programmatic advertising, and conversational marketing that will witness incredible growth in
investments during and post-COVID.

Taking your business digitally cannot work in isolation which is why an integrated marketing approach is needed

Reimagine Functional Operating Models
Businesses must be more value-driven by being more flexible and select the right digital capabilities. The overall digital strategy must be redefined in order to deliver on the desired value.

Focus on Being More Adaptable
Businesses can coexist today by being collaborative with the market needs! With the changing scenario, the business must be able to be adaptive. Since the situation is uncertain it is righteous to anticipate the changes and be able to adapt them. One thing that is certain today is that the digital transformation has taken the permanent seat in our lives and leaders must use this to empower the organization to prevail and succeed in any given environment.