
Applications of AI in the 2020s & Beyond

An MBA from Pune University, Vishal is driven by curiosity and a new-found passion for lights

Merely a decade and a half ago, the idea of being able to control one’s residential lighting system, temperature and security remotely from a screen would have seemed like something out of a science fiction film. The idea of giving your home commands with your voice would have sounded like a fantasy, only possibly enjoyed by future generations who would also be driven to work every day in self-driving cars. Smart homes are a concept that society has dreamt about for decades – with visionaries even launching mystical prototypes over the years that would end up being the augury of what we use today.

What seemed so unrealistic is now a reality – with tech industry pundits calling 2020 the beginning of the ‘Age of Automation’. It is now normal for people we know to lock and unlock their front doors, control the air conditioning, dim/brighten their lights according to, and arm their security systems through smart phones. Construction costs are rising, sizes of urban residences are becoming smaller and space optimization is the need of the hour.
At the same time, technology has become affordable, connectivity for all devices at home and in turn convergence to mobile technology or smart phones is the latest trend. Today, luxury living is increasingly determined by services and comfort, and not mere square footage. The automation industry is now evolving to serve holistic requirements with the integration of lighting, HVAC, audio/video, security & entertainment.

Advances in web-based applications are also transforming user experience, creating simpler ways for users to regulate the indoor environment, among a host of other applications. The future of IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) home automation is promising — luxury now lies in the hands of the users, driven by customization and personalization above all else. With the latest advances in IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation space, smart automation technology is not just limited to residential spaces, but also growing rapidly in the industrial and corporate landscape.

One of the key industries being transformed through advancements in smart technology is the lighting industry, where the design and functionality of lights are being recalibrated to optimize them for automation. Smart lighting is an advanced way to illuminate one’s home. Smart LED bulbs contain software that lets one connect to an app, smart home assistant, or other smart accessories so one can automate lights or control them remotely, eliminating the need for traditional wall switches. Conventional light bulbs work by flipping a switch on and off. Sometimes they are wired into a dimmer switch, allowing one to dim or brighten the lights. However, this is usually the extent of the functionality of traditional home lighting.

Smart lighting, on the other hand, provides far more control over the lights and other features in a household. They are still connected to the residence’s power unit, but each smart bulb and LED-integrated fixture allows the user to control it wirelessly with their phone, tablet, or smart assistants such as Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. It also changes colour as per the time of the day or according to the preference of the user, to bring forth the ideal lighting experience.

Today, luxury living is increasingly determined by services and comfort, and not mere square footage

Take, for example, the lighting scheme within a home or office space. Smart lighting adapts as per daylight hours and the circadian rhythm of the body to make the everyday routines easier. This results in automated lighting solutions working in sync with the changing needs of the different hours of the day. For example, cool blue light is ideal for an energized morning routine, whereas a warmer yellow light in the evening is conducive to unwinding at the end of the day. More significantly, there is an environmental aspect to automation solutions — they help save plenty on energy bills and improve performance of all electrical appliances due to predictive maintenance, while also creating a suitable ambience without much manual input.

In addition to making provisions for mood lighting as per homeowners’ preferences, the future is moving towards smart lights – and devices powered with artificial intelligence which are also emotionally intuitive. The global smart lighting market, in the near future, will see the introduction of lighting solutions dedicated to the emotional and behavioural patterns and choices of the individual.

The appreciation for smart home tech is no longer unknown to us, and has demonstrably become one of the key factors that decide future investments in lighting and appliances. It is safe to say that automation is steadily growing in popularity amongst homeowners and businesses and will continue to be widely adopted across all industries and sectors.