
4i Apps Solutions: Integrating Salesforce Application with ERP solutions

Saravanan M,Managing Director

Saravanan M

Managing Director

As the world shifts from CRM to Customer Experience, the integration of ERP and Salesforce can bring a number of substantial benefits for companies. An ideal company is one which keeps its customer and employee experience intertwined and the salesforce designed accordingly. Consolidating systems, removing silos, and centralizing data enable employees to have the data visibility and collaboration tools to succeed. As a silver consulting partner with salesforce, 4i Apps Solutions, headquartered in Chennai, is a technology consulting firm helping customers in protecting their IT investments. The company's core value is to help businesses of any size to prepare, strategize and implement digital solutions in ERP and Analytics.

"For the past two years, we have been a silver consulting partner with Salesforce, handling various sales cloud and service cloud projects. We have a strong internal product development team that develops custom apps on top of the platform, officially listed by Sales-force on the AppExchange", said Saravanan M, Managing Director, 4i Apps Solutions.
Value-Added Salesforce CRM Solutions and Services
Over the years Salesforce has become one of the leading CRM soft-ware providers across the world. 4i's Salesforce practice focuses on the implementation of Salesforce applications and integration with ERP solutions like Oracle for integrated operations. Also, with a strong ERP consulting background, the company understands the need for providing an integrated system which makes it more beneficial to the organizations. This differentiates 4i, from similar CRM service providers who only deal with CRM implementation while neglecting ERP integration. So, for any organization to plan its production or orders, the data from CRM is very important and real-time integration helps them to serve the customer better and avoid delays in delivery and payment collection.

4i's Salesforce practice focuses on the implementation of Salesforce applications and integration with ERP solutions like Oracle for integrated operations

Additionally, 4i offers custom solutions developed under the Sales-force Platform, i.e, CityProps, which is for Real estate vertical. With CityProps, client can manage all their real estate processes and data into one centralized application that is easily editable and accessible. It helps clients to instantly track site visits, manage clients, brokers, and staff in a single platform, generate leads through an automated and analytical process, get remote access to files and data, get a detailed analysis of user engagement and predict market trends.

With such immense experience in this vertical, 4i takes up projects in a wide range of business verticals such as FMCG, banking & financials, and oil & gas industries. However, the primary focus remains on the real estate market. 4i has developed and listed its real estate vertical solution CityProps on Sales-force AppExchange platform which is now available across the globe. Further, in near future, the company is also partnering with niche industry solution providers who have developed vertical solutions for industries like FMCG based on Salesforce platform.