• Evolution of Traditional Steel Manufacturing into Digital Ecosystem
  • Evolution of Traditional Steel Manufacturing into Digital Ecosystem

    I often ask myself what the ideal work space of the future would look like. In my opinion, it will be highly technology-driven with the IT team as a core business enabler, way more sophisticated than it is today. As we enter 2020, an age where AI and VR are becoming visible phenomena, there is a dire need to adapt to newer technologies. After all, change is the only constant. And that constant is evolving like never before! The first industrial revolution in the eighteenth century introduced mechanisation through water and steam power. Nearly a century later, mass production and assembly lines using electricity were welcomed in the second industrial metamorphosis. This transformation led to further development of trade and necessitated quick turnaround in an efficient and economical...


Taking Care of Accuracy

Emmanuel Christi Das, Special Editor

Why 60 Percent Of Machine Learning Projects Are Never Implemented

Nir Kaldero, Head - Data Science, Galvanize

Managed Review - What You Need To Know

Dan Cohen, Director – Business Development, Sandline Discovery

Turning Constant Change Into Business Opportunity: The Role Of IT In The Modern Day Supply Chain

Neil Hampshire, Member – Governing Body, Evanta, Boston CIO, Community

Industry 4.0 & Supply Chain Transformation

Jasjit Sethi, CEO, TCI Supply Chain Solutions

The Role Of RFID In Digital Organisation

T.G. Dhandapani, Group CIO, TVS Motor Company

Revolution Beckons Sales - Riding High On Game-Changing Technologies

Prashant Rohatgi, Global Head - Technology, Denave

A Deeper Look Into The Ocean

Andreas Merkl, President, Ocean Conservancy