
Key technology trends that will dominate the cybersecurity sector in 2023 and beyond

With the digital revolution sweeping the globe, small businesses, corporate organizations, and even governments are relying on computerized systems to manage their day-to-day operations. This means that data breaches and hacks are becoming increasingly common, which calls for a complementary shift in cybersecurity trends. Given how deeply integrated technology is in our everyday lives, especially after the pandemic, there’s never been a more pressing need to consider staying safe at the individual and the enterprise level. Here, we discuss some key technology trends that will dominate the cybersecurity landscape in 2023:

Potential of Artificial intelligence-A step towards actionable insight

AI has been paramount in building automated security systems, natural language processing, face detection, and automatic threat detection. With the growing use of AI and machine learning, recent years have emphasized the potential of advanced analytics. In the future, the emphasis will shift from analytics to the practical insights they provide in particular use cases. Analytics can be used to motivate immediate actions that promote operational effectiveness, security, and safety. AI-enabled threat detection systems can instantly predict new attacks and notify admins of any data breach.

Consolidated Security architecture is the future

According to a recent report, 98% of organizations use multiple consoles to manage their security products, which creates visibility silos. In addition, with cyberattacks increasing in sophistication and targeting various surfaces such as mobile devices, IoT, and others, alert fatigue has become a real concern in the security landscape. Managing too many alerts, especially false positives, can lead to alert fatigue or burnout, which reduces IT productivity. Moreover, 69% admit that prioritizing vendor consolidation would improve security. All of this highlights the need for consolidated security architecture that enables businesses to manage everything from a single platform, gain better insight, and lower expenses.

Internet of Things and Cloud Security

According to an analysis by Gartner, in 2023, there will be 43 billion IoT-connected devices worldwide. The more devices we network and connect together, the more potential entry points there are for hackers to access our data. IoT devices – from smart wearables to home appliances, cars, building alarm systems and industrial machinery – have often proven to be a concern for those responsible for cybersecurity. As they are not often used to store sensitive data directly, manufacturers haven’t always been focused on keeping them secure. That has changed in recent years, as it’s been shown that even when they don’t store data themselves, attackers can often find ways to use them as gateways to access other networked devices that might. There is, therefore, a clear case for manufacturers to focus on automatic security updates at regular intervals.

More ransomware attacks

Ransomware is increasingly becoming a threat, and targeted ransomware - customized to an organization’s specific tech stack - is particularly harmful. Ransomware breaches accounted for 41% of cybersecurity attacks in 2022, and cybercriminal gangs sell ransomware as a service. Organizations, large and small need to have a plan in place to recover from such attacks, including regular data backups, a comprehensive response to data breaches and an immediate report of any incidents to the government’s cybercrime unit.

Supply chain threats

Cyber risks may affect anything that is technologically powered, and supply chains are no different. Supply chains are vulnerable to cyber hazards like BEC (business email compromise) attacks, malware, supply chain breaches, data leaks, and other similar assaults. It is vital, therefore. That IT leaders assess the cyber threats that threaten supply chains and take preventive action.

Educating the public about cybersecurity

Employees and individual users are often, unwittingly, the most significant enablers of cybersecurity attacks. Phishing scams rely on social engineering techniques to trick people into divulging personal details, which are then used to compromise entire systems. Organizations need to design cybersecurity strategies that educate employees about basic safety measures - such as two-factor authentication or regular password protection - as well as how to spot a phishing attack or a suspicious party online.