
Follow Your Dream with a Bit of Help from Technology

Abdul G.Sait, Co-Founder & MD, Passion Connect Steve Jobs, the guru of technology, genius and a great human being, in a speech at Stanford had a simple piece of advice to the graduating class – “It is one of the recipes for success; if you measure success in terms of fame and money, but it certainly is a recipe for inner peace and inner happiness”.

Do what you would love to do. This is the simplest of mantras one can ever think of ‘in pursuit of happiness’. Doing something which you do not like has inherent conflicts. And we know how a vast majority of people are doing things which may not be close to their hearts, but are doing so due to the many compulsions of life. The present generation can break out of this pattern by just following their dreams, as the options to a career and life, per se, are plenty. While the road to success is not an easy one, there are enough and more resources available now than before for one to pursue one’s dream. There are sacrifices to be made. One has to put in enormous efforts to stay on course. And, of course, there is ‘Dame Luck’ too.

Digital Age

Thankfully, we are in a ‘digital age’ where finding support systems to nurture one’s passion’ is right at our fingertips. Unlike the yesteryears when one had to go distances to find a mentor, a guru or even a peer group, the present generation is lucky. Technology, specifically ICT, has been amazingly responsible to create plethora of resources, all ‘handy’. Smart phones, apps, and social networking websites have transformed our day-to-day lives and the fact that we are no longer using the conventional way of sharing information or connecting has shrunk the world that much more. Internet, rather social networks, has made it easy for us to share pretty much anything, anywhere, anytime.

Galvanizing Vast Talent Pool

This technology play is new. Several startups are trying to galvanize this vast talent pool
available across the country by ‘networking’ different interest groups. There are many platforms available that are trying to ignite the passion in individuals. While passion presents itself in so many different avatars in each one of us and also that it is either internalized or out in the open, technology with its easy approach is a great leveler. It helps the individual to take his/her passion to the next level in an almost non-intrusive way. Like I said earlier, we are indeed fortunate to be in this ‘Smartphone’ age, where there are platforms, avenues, peer groups, mentors, gurus and the like who can be easily connected to any time for guidance, support, training, mentorship and more.

Technology-driven Focused Platforms

The technology platforms are either app-based or web-based. All one has to do is look for technology-driven platforms in the area of one’s interest – music, arts, sport, travel, food, photography, extreme sports, movies, fashion, life, or any others, and connect to the focused groups through one’s smartphone. The activity level within the peer group can be sustained by mutual exchange of information or through connecting online and offline. One can chat, text, talk or video talk with a ‘buddy’ or a ‘person with similar likes or passion’, thus each promoting the other. Through the smartphone, there is a lot of information that gets channelized to keep oneself abreast of the topic on hand. Gone are the days of picking up the phone or heading over to someone’s house to chat or to get information/knowledge/mentorship. Traditional connect has been replaced by virtual connect, which is faster, cost-effective and on the move.

Beyond Boundaries

The digital platform is so expansive that you could share your passion in different formats – text, voice, and video, and it hooks one up to different groups beyond boundaries and cultures. The way it works is magical. In this highly competitive world where people are pursuing their professional careers and personal lives in a ‘fast mode’, technology comes to ones rescue. You can find a mentor in any part of the world who could help you grow your talent, while connecting through social networks. Imagine you find a mentor who is in New York and is willing to mentor you through a smartphone. This is a boon which is so unique to this generation. There is no need of you to travel to New York. It breaks all barriers of connectivity – visa, air tickets, money, and others.

While technology may help you connect, your passion, your talent is your own and only you have to take the initiative. One of the strategies is to give passion to get passion. Remember that the best leaders surround themselves with others who share their motivation. There are groups and platforms that will motivate you. It is time to find your passion and connect with the world to take it to the next level. The road to success begins within you.

While technology may help you connect with your passion, your talent is your own and only you have to take the initiative