Chat Bots & the Future of AI

The next rung of chat bots will move away from ‘forced flow’ to ‘recommended flow” and ‘Spatial Intelligence’. They will recognize constraints and develop a solution most appropriate in the given circumstances. If a user is restricted to what you want him to do, and the way you want him to, he would quickly lose interest and in all probability, not come back to you again. Upcoming chatbots will be able to guide the user and indulge in human emotions. The recipe for success will be engaging and building trust by leveraging the power of conversations. This will be the first step for evolution of ‘Artificial Intelligence”.
So what exactly is Artificial Intelligence? Can it mimic all the functions of a human brain? What is the mathematical equation that may capture the operation of human
minds and brains? What about consciousness, sense of self & ethical conduct? Though the technology today is rudimentary, it is evolving fast to prepare the stage where machines will be ‘smart’ with human IQ, EQ and HQ.
In 2015, AI became the next technological wave when Google paid $400 million to acquire Deep Minds, a company working on training a machine to figure out natural language and instructions. Past two years have seen dozens of Artificial Intelligence startups in healthcare and education being acquired by global giants. The quest is to develop a blue print of the best of the human minds and the first step in this process of evolution is ‘conversation’ - natural conversation. It requires a bot to combine its understanding of the conversation with its knowledge of the world to produce a new sentence that perfectly fits the situation and helps it achieve its goals. Natural conversations will help build the knowledge platform for the future of what I call as ‘Artificial Intelligence’ with machines that can replace humans on any given task. That’s a process called ‘deep reinforcement learning’ that will lead to what many call as second industrial revolution. Deep Reinforcement Learning will utilize a combination of neural networks, on open AI platforms, to devise an artificial human brain capable of undertaking complex tasks such as detecting the real intent of the person that it is speaking to.
Artificial Intelligence is all set to change the landscape with various applications across industries. Companies like Cambridge Semantics and Automated Insights are working on producing text from computer data. We have all used Google Now and Apple’s Siri that transcribe and transform human speech to generate computer search results. Virtual Agents such as Alexa are on the go. However, every application out there operates under a constraint as there is only so much that we can do with our current algorithms and we simply do not have enough data from machine learning to churn out intelligent results. With giants like Google, Apple and Uber working on creating driverless cars, the technology is making inroads and applications are helping build big data.
AI will increasingly be integral to our lives and our society as a basic infrastructure and will what it means to be human. As the AI technology evolves, its increased sophistication has been admitted to be a cause to both celebrate and worry. It is forecasted that by 2030, NY Times will be printed end to end by AI Bots. Professor Stephen Hawking warns that the age of Terminators is coming, where machines will rise up and overtake humans in the evolutionary race.
The recipe for success will be engaging and building trust by leveraging the power of conversations. This will be the first step for evolution of ‘Artificial Intelligence’
In 2015, AI became the next technological wave when Google paid $400 million to acquire Deep Minds, a company working on training a machine to figure out natural language and instructions. Past two years have seen dozens of Artificial Intelligence startups in healthcare and education being acquired by global giants. The quest is to develop a blue print of the best of the human minds and the first step in this process of evolution is ‘conversation’ - natural conversation. It requires a bot to combine its understanding of the conversation with its knowledge of the world to produce a new sentence that perfectly fits the situation and helps it achieve its goals. Natural conversations will help build the knowledge platform for the future of what I call as ‘Artificial Intelligence’ with machines that can replace humans on any given task. That’s a process called ‘deep reinforcement learning’ that will lead to what many call as second industrial revolution. Deep Reinforcement Learning will utilize a combination of neural networks, on open AI platforms, to devise an artificial human brain capable of undertaking complex tasks such as detecting the real intent of the person that it is speaking to.
Artificial Intelligence is all set to change the landscape with various applications across industries. Companies like Cambridge Semantics and Automated Insights are working on producing text from computer data. We have all used Google Now and Apple’s Siri that transcribe and transform human speech to generate computer search results. Virtual Agents such as Alexa are on the go. However, every application out there operates under a constraint as there is only so much that we can do with our current algorithms and we simply do not have enough data from machine learning to churn out intelligent results. With giants like Google, Apple and Uber working on creating driverless cars, the technology is making inroads and applications are helping build big data.
AI will increasingly be integral to our lives and our society as a basic infrastructure and will what it means to be human. As the AI technology evolves, its increased sophistication has been admitted to be a cause to both celebrate and worry. It is forecasted that by 2030, NY Times will be printed end to end by AI Bots. Professor Stephen Hawking warns that the age of Terminators is coming, where machines will rise up and overtake humans in the evolutionary race.