
SKADEPT: Driven with a Vision to Provide Seamless and Effective Teaching-Learning Experience for Schools

Hari Gobala, Sanjibani Banerjee, Ramu Gopalan,  PartnersLearning management systems(LMS) facilitate the process of teaching and training by reducing the amount of time required for tasks such as course preparation, delivery and reporting. To obtain a competitive advantage, schools are increasingly embracing efficient curriculum delivery platforms and online interactive learning approaches. The ongoing global crisis caused by the new coronavirus has significantly impacted the education ecosystem, leading to an increased need for online learning systems. The rapid transition to online learning has expedited the implementation of LMS platforms, which offer extensive infrastructure for facilitating virtual classrooms, course administration, progress monitoring, and feedback to students. The market size of the Learning Management System (LMS) industry attained a value of $14.43 billion in the year 2021. The projected market valuation is expected to witness a substantial growth trajectory, escalating from $16.19 billion in 2022 to $40.95 billion by the end of 2029, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.2 percent over the forecast period. The increasing demand for intelligent and interactive educational platforms, coupled with the growing prevalence of multichannel learning, is anticipated to drive trends in the market. SKADEPT, established in 2020, is a first-of-a-kind learning management system, developed by Boxtonium Group, for schools that incorporate proficiency-based learning to improve the teaching-learning process.

There are numerous challenges faced by customers in this sector such as awareness about the right tools, time constraints of principals and administrators and efficiency related issues. SKADEPT provides a platform for schools to effectively manage their curriculum by providing an easy-to-use tool for school managements, principals, administrators, teachers, and parents to collaborate in the entire teaching-learning process. SKADEPT enables schools to close the loop: teach – assess – feedback – replan and reassess. Throughout this process, SKADEPT is equipped to thoroughly examine the performance of each student through assessments of learning outcomes and their level of skill mastery. All these processes are automated, allowing the teacher to concentrate on the tasks of teaching, assessing, and providing feedback.

During the pandemic, schools resorted to different means of conducting online assessments. SKADEPT offers a full service learning management system to connect the school (management, administrators, teachers), students and parents via both PC and mobile devices. “In the post pandemic era, schools have observed learning gaps across different levels and have welcomed the return to classrooms. But the pandemic has made teachers more tech savvy and schools are seeking the rights tools to super charge their teaching methods. SKADEPT supports all types of assessments from traditional paper-based assessments, and projects to online quizzes. It enables tracking, monitoring, assessing, course correcting, communicating, and intervening with feedback throughout the teaching-learning process.”, says Dr.Ramu Gopalan.

The founders of SKADEPT are experienced professionals from academia, consulting, analytics, product development and management. The conflux of education domain, data science, technology and product management has provided the necessary expertise to develop an effective learning management system like SKADEPT to elevate the teaching learning experience for schools and learners. It has received various recommendations, recognition and accolades from various institutions for its services.

Future Roadmap
SKADEPT empowers educators to effectively manage curriculum. Schools generate copious amounts of learning and assessment data. SKADEPT enables schools to capture this data, automatically process and leverage it to provide insights for timely intervention in the teaching-learning process. By measuring and tracking skills and learning outcomes, schools will be able to build student skill profiles across time to suggest course and career choices. SKADEPT is refining AI/ML algorithms for recommending personalized strategies to improve student performance and help schools achieve academic success. SKADEPT is a cloud-based and mobile-friendly LMS equipped to reach across geographies rapidly.