Jay Rath
The company was founded in April 2003 in New Delhi, India, as a logo partner of Sunjray Pty Ltd, Australia, with a vision to bring innovative technology to diverse business sectors such as Airlines, Health, Education and Banking sectors. The company renders a variety of services from Business Intelligence and IOT solutions to Business Consultation, Application Development and Telemetry. When it comes to Cloud Computing, Sunjray Info systems’ services are mainly focused on the Government domain where factors such as ease of access of data, data security and affordability are of highest priority. The company has since established its own cloud-based services wing that adheres to Infrastructure-as a-service (IaaS) and Software as-a-service (SaaS) for different organizations. “Sunjray Infosystems offers a complete solution as per the customer’s requirement, including the option of private cloud(Deployment model) along with Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)and Software-as-a-service (SaaS models. With this approach, the company has been able to garner projects from clients in different markets segments,” explains JayRath, CTO, Sunjray Infosystems.
IoT Based Cloud Service for Telemetry
The complimentary relationship between Cloud Computing and IoT has proved immensely beneficial in tackling data today. IoT now generates massive amounts of data, and cloud computing provides a pathway for this data to travel to its destination. Leveraging this association, Sunjray Infosystems has designed an Internet of Things (IoT) - Cloud Service which serves as a managed, Platform as a Service (PaaS), cloud-based offering that allows any analyzer to be connected to the cloud, makes analysis of the data possible from those devices in real time, and enables integration of that data with enterprise applications, web services and mobile applications.
Sunjray Info systems utilizes this technology to provide solutions for telemetry to facilitate the collection of hydro logical, meteoro logical and water quality data as well as water resources
management. The main advantage of Telemetry is that data is available from remote stations in real-time, allowing effective and efficient decision making for the proper management of water resources.
To facilitate this, Sunjray handles data captured from different types of analyzers/sensors which are installed in remote catchment areas. The company then facilitates the transmission of the acquired data to the destination server over GPRS link for calculating the rain fall run off and discharge of water at a certain point. Similarly observation centre has to be built at any river basin to record the water level and transmit the water level data on a real time base to the destination server over GPRS link. The simulated output using rain fall run off and discharge of water in server has to be compared with the observed data at any observation centre. If the accuracy of matching both simulated output and observed output is more than 97%, the early warning system can be accepted.
The availability of the data in rea ltime contributes greatly to achieving integrated water management as well as strengthens the customer’s datacenter capabilities for the telemetry operations of rainfall and water level monitoring, flood fore cast preparation and digital presentation of current hydrological conditions.
“Using IoT solutions in telemetry is immensely beneficial as it ensures the availability of data from remote stations on a real-time basis and thus optimizes the decision-making process for the management of water resources. This method is also automatic and more accurate as compared to the manual process,”adds Jay Rath.
Sunjray Infosystems is currently handling real-time data from over900 stations, where the company uses IoT Cloud to efficiently process the massive data coming in from different stations and the business rule is embedded in it for accurate information.
Redefining Data Transmission through Y-Cable
In order to facilitate organizations in the Pollution Control sector with continuous surveillance of the pollution status of the industries, Sunjray Infosystems has designed an electronic, environmental data transmission system- Y-Cable. This device has been designed to simplify the process of capturing and transmission of real-time data from different remote locations tothe destination server. The remote data is captured from different types of sensors and measurement tools, and saved into a data logger for transmission to the main server. This device also facilitates transmission over satellite PSTN, GPRS and other mediums, while ensuring the real time data transmission from stack and ambient air quality data parameters complying with the standards prescribed by the MoEF (Ministry of Environment & Forest) to control pollution. By facilitating data capture from the analyzer prior to its arrival at a plant’s local system, this device serves to prevent data manipulation and bring more transparency in data reports for the Pollution Control Board. Being the first of its kind in the country, Y-Cable was adopted by the Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) in 2012 and has since been utilized by the board as an environmental data transmitter for online emissions
Sunjray Infosystems utilizes the combination of Cloud and IoT to provide solutions for telemetry to facilitate the collection of hydrological, meteorological and water quality data as well as water resources management
To facilitate this, Sunjray handles data captured from different types of analyzers/sensors which are installed in remote catchment areas. The company then facilitates the transmission of the acquired data to the destination server over GPRS link for calculating the rain fall run off and discharge of water at a certain point. Similarly observation centre has to be built at any river basin to record the water level and transmit the water level data on a real time base to the destination server over GPRS link. The simulated output using rain fall run off and discharge of water in server has to be compared with the observed data at any observation centre. If the accuracy of matching both simulated output and observed output is more than 97%, the early warning system can be accepted.
The availability of the data in rea ltime contributes greatly to achieving integrated water management as well as strengthens the customer’s datacenter capabilities for the telemetry operations of rainfall and water level monitoring, flood fore cast preparation and digital presentation of current hydrological conditions.
“Using IoT solutions in telemetry is immensely beneficial as it ensures the availability of data from remote stations on a real-time basis and thus optimizes the decision-making process for the management of water resources. This method is also automatic and more accurate as compared to the manual process,”adds Jay Rath.
Sunjray Infosystems is currently handling real-time data from over900 stations, where the company uses IoT Cloud to efficiently process the massive data coming in from different stations and the business rule is embedded in it for accurate information.
Redefining Data Transmission through Y-Cable
In order to facilitate organizations in the Pollution Control sector with continuous surveillance of the pollution status of the industries, Sunjray Infosystems has designed an electronic, environmental data transmission system- Y-Cable. This device has been designed to simplify the process of capturing and transmission of real-time data from different remote locations tothe destination server. The remote data is captured from different types of sensors and measurement tools, and saved into a data logger for transmission to the main server. This device also facilitates transmission over satellite PSTN, GPRS and other mediums, while ensuring the real time data transmission from stack and ambient air quality data parameters complying with the standards prescribed by the MoEF (Ministry of Environment & Forest) to control pollution. By facilitating data capture from the analyzer prior to its arrival at a plant’s local system, this device serves to prevent data manipulation and bring more transparency in data reports for the Pollution Control Board. Being the first of its kind in the country, Y-Cable was adopted by the Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) in 2012 and has since been utilized by the board as an environmental data transmitter for online emissions
monitoring of industries.
Further more, Sunjray Infosystems also caters to providing data loggers that are based on FPGA technology. Typically, data logging is used to automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, thereby allowing conditions tobe measured, documented, analyzed and validated. Although data logging can be carried out manually, electronic data loggers have proved to be more effective, accurate and reliable in making periodic observations. Sunjray Infosystems acknowledges this need for new age data loggers in the Industrial, Hydro logical and Defense related services and thus brings a new generation of data loggers-YDH Series, by combining the latest communication technologies with advanced measurement technologies. This device is connected between the analyzer and the transmission device to convert the analog output of the analyzer into digital format.The digital output is then passed through customized formula/factort o represent the dynamics of the surroundings state and the information obtained is saved on the data logger for a considerable period of time. Sunjray’s YDH series data logger is also available in optional versions which differ in the number of analog and digital inputs that they can process. Another differentiating factor of this device is that it can be connected to any analyzer for two-way communication, irrespective of the analyzer’s communication protocol. In addition to data loggers, Sunjray Info systems has been engaged in developing a number of environmental data devices such as Air Temperature& Humidity Sensor, Solar Radiation Sensor, Micro-wave River Velocity Meter, Ultrasonic Anemometer, Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge and Radar Water Level Gauge.
The company has also under taken and implemented several training programs across the country, training over 300 engineers in the areas of RADAR Gauge installation, adjustment and calibration, Meteoro logical service sensors installation, Ground station philosophy and Solutions for the Pollution Control Board.
Exploring IoT Driven Opportunities
Sunjray Infosystems firmly believes that the ideal formula for a company’s growth is to steer away from traditional projects and venture into new technology pursuits that can bridge the gaps in the market. Since its inception, the company has been focused on developing niche products that cater to customer specific requirements and promote their growth. “An enterprise can grow faster if they develop novel technology solutions that can comply with the ongoing market demands. Sunjray Infosystems engineers solutions that can control costs, extend internal capabilities, address scalability and reduce the go-to-market time, there by ensuring our clients with an edge over their competitors,” affirms Jay.
The company hopes to leverage this definitive approach to further expand their reach in the Indian market.With IoT and Cloud Technology now gaining momentum in India, Sunjray Infosystems intends to direct efforts towards developing innovative technology for these applications.“Since IoT and the Cloud have been in great demand in the Indian market and is experiencing consistent growth within the country, we are hoping to utilize this phenomen onto bring niche solutions into this domain and garner a reliable customer pool in the long run,” elaborates ay. Furthermore, the company also intends to expand its training services to create more resources within the market. To support these well-defined strategies, Sunjray has a number of objectives lined up forit self in the upcoming future that includes focusing on the main areas of business, strengthening their marketing strategies, expanding their resource pool for new technology and cooperating with the government for good governance.
Further more, Sunjray Infosystems also caters to providing data loggers that are based on FPGA technology. Typically, data logging is used to automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, thereby allowing conditions tobe measured, documented, analyzed and validated. Although data logging can be carried out manually, electronic data loggers have proved to be more effective, accurate and reliable in making periodic observations. Sunjray Infosystems acknowledges this need for new age data loggers in the Industrial, Hydro logical and Defense related services and thus brings a new generation of data loggers-YDH Series, by combining the latest communication technologies with advanced measurement technologies. This device is connected between the analyzer and the transmission device to convert the analog output of the analyzer into digital format.The digital output is then passed through customized formula/factort o represent the dynamics of the surroundings state and the information obtained is saved on the data logger for a considerable period of time. Sunjray’s YDH series data logger is also available in optional versions which differ in the number of analog and digital inputs that they can process. Another differentiating factor of this device is that it can be connected to any analyzer for two-way communication, irrespective of the analyzer’s communication protocol. In addition to data loggers, Sunjray Info systems has been engaged in developing a number of environmental data devices such as Air Temperature& Humidity Sensor, Solar Radiation Sensor, Micro-wave River Velocity Meter, Ultrasonic Anemometer, Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge and Radar Water Level Gauge.
The company has also under taken and implemented several training programs across the country, training over 300 engineers in the areas of RADAR Gauge installation, adjustment and calibration, Meteoro logical service sensors installation, Ground station philosophy and Solutions for the Pollution Control Board.
Exploring IoT Driven Opportunities
Sunjray Infosystems firmly believes that the ideal formula for a company’s growth is to steer away from traditional projects and venture into new technology pursuits that can bridge the gaps in the market. Since its inception, the company has been focused on developing niche products that cater to customer specific requirements and promote their growth. “An enterprise can grow faster if they develop novel technology solutions that can comply with the ongoing market demands. Sunjray Infosystems engineers solutions that can control costs, extend internal capabilities, address scalability and reduce the go-to-market time, there by ensuring our clients with an edge over their competitors,” affirms Jay.
The company hopes to leverage this definitive approach to further expand their reach in the Indian market.With IoT and Cloud Technology now gaining momentum in India, Sunjray Infosystems intends to direct efforts towards developing innovative technology for these applications.“Since IoT and the Cloud have been in great demand in the Indian market and is experiencing consistent growth within the country, we are hoping to utilize this phenomen onto bring niche solutions into this domain and garner a reliable customer pool in the long run,” elaborates ay. Furthermore, the company also intends to expand its training services to create more resources within the market. To support these well-defined strategies, Sunjray has a number of objectives lined up forit self in the upcoming future that includes focusing on the main areas of business, strengthening their marketing strategies, expanding their resource pool for new technology and cooperating with the government for good governance.