
Trident Analytical Solutions: Helping Businesses Compete by Rendering In-depth React Native Solutions

Amitesh Mishra,CEOUnlike other java scripts (JS) language frame-work, JS React is very fast in rendering its outcomes as the React JS framework has its own virtual dorm memory. React JS is a relatively new language that came up in 2011, and its use became prominent only around 2016. Extracting multiple benefits out of the React JS framework is Trident Analytical Solutions ­ a Noida based digital agency with over 8 years of service delivery and 500 satisfied customers under its belt.

Leveraging the React JS Framework since 2012
Incorporated in May 2012, Trident Analytical Solutions started as a web development agency that used frameworks such as .NET. With the advent of newer technologies, the Trident team expanded its portfolio and repertoire by using newer language frameworks wherever possible. The company is backed by an experienced team that has over 15 years of experience in web development and over 5 years of experience in the React JS framework. Trident Analytical Solutions is using React JS for making desktop applications apart from the traditional web application and mobile application development. Moreover, the digital agency is constantly expanding its
capabilities of React JS by making different types of UI as well.

Trident Analytical Solutions leads its clients all the way right from the moment an idea is conceived to the actual realization of the idea. The company is committed to developing high-performance cross-platform apps. One of the prominent websites that Trident Analytical is working on is an in-house project that the agency took up, and it provides security solutions for the websites and mobile applications against bots and automated threats. The UI of the application is based on Angular and React JS and since React JS has the ability to enable the use of the same set of codes in the websites as well as the mobile applications. This is one prominent application the digital agency is working on and under that, they have been launching a lot of applications where React JS is used.

Trident Analytical Solutions leads its clients all the way right from the moment an idea is conceived to the actual realization of the idea

From delivering a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for mobile app startups to offering seamless cross-platform apps that covers all prospective users, Tri-dent Analytical Solutions is well adept in delivering its expertise in the React JS framework in all conceivable ways. In addition to that, the digital agency is constantly on the look-out for devising newer ways of incorporating the React native framework with its commitments towards research. In recent times, the digital agency's popularity has increased manifold as its products have received many recognitions which includes a number of funding investments on the products.

The Opportunities that Lie Ahead
Speaking about the future the company's CEO Amitesh says “We are bullish about React in the future because the power it brings to the team is immense and definitely makes a huge difference”.

For its future endeavors, Trident Analytical Solutions will be looking to take advantage of the booming market that React JS will offer in the coming 5 to 10 years. The agency is already gearing up for the same by expanding its React JS team. The agency is always ever-ready to utilize any new improvements in the existing technologies by incorporating them into the projects.