
Infrrd: Leveraging Frontier Technologies to Streamline Business Process

Amit Jnagal,Founder & CEO

Amit Jnagal

Founder & CEO

Infrrd is a Silicon Valley-based AI company that employs its proprietary machine learning technology to automate data processing from documents. By eliminating the manual processing of a wide range of documents, the company helps financial services organizations scale their operations. Infrrd was established in 2016 by Amit Jnagal, an AI-enablement visionary and author, he is successfully spearheading the overall business strategy, growth, and culture at Infrrd. Amit Jnagal has 20 years of multi-market expertise assisting over a hundred organizations in achieving demonstrable top-line and bottom-line impact through the innovative use of technology.

"Prior to establishing Infrrd, I worked on a Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine that combed through customer evaluations to assist customers to find the best work shirts, wedding dresses, and golf shoes. This was more than a decade ago before NLP evolved into what it is now. It made me think about unstructured data, and what we could and couldn't extract from it. Even while there may not appear to be an obvious link at first, the transition from retail to documents was a logical one. It's all data that other people believe can't be read, and all-but-impossible business difficulties entrenched in the technical parts of automation," signifies Amit Jnagal Founder & CEO.
Infrrd's primary offering is an industry-leading solution for extracting meaning inferences from enormous volumes of unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data using proprietary machine learning algorithms and cutting-edge AI technology, including deep learning capabilities. Customers that have large amounts of semi-structured and unstructured documents find amazing ROI using Infrrd's platform. Infrrd primarily works with financial services companies - Mortgage, Insurance, Banks, A/P companies, or A/P departments of large companies.

The firm has assisted customers from a variety of industries throughout the years, and the top-5 companies in Mortgage, Insurance, Manufacturing, A/P Processing, Travel & Expense Management rely on Infrrd's technology. "We continue to out-innovate the competition through our dedicated research lab that focuses on cracking unsolved problems related to document understanding. Patents and IP produced by this team provide unparalleled value to our clients," adds Amit.

Infrrd's primary offering is an industry-leading solution for extracting meaning inferences from enormous volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data using proprietary technologies

Since its inception, Infrrd has grown multifold and has carved a niche for itself on a global scale. The firm started its operations focused on US customers in travel and expense management companies. Over the years, it has expanded to cover Insurance, Mortgage, and financial services companies in the US, Europe, Asia, Bering Antarctica. Currently, Infrrd has customers in all six continents and its team of more than 200 employees works out of 4 different countries. In the next few years, the firm intends to head toward making this `Intelligent Work' a platform that can automate most of the work that is being done by BPOs today.

In the realm of its product roadmap, for the next 12 months, Infrrd is looking forward to going deeper into Machine learning and enabling reasoning, the accuracy of confidence scores, analytics, training with lesser documents & transfer learning, expanding its computer vision capabilities to read more complex tables, adding images capabilities, and working on including intelligent business rules & workflow platform.