
G4 Solutions & Applications:Carving PLM Dreams into Reality

Srinivas Kumar,CEOAccording to CIM Data, the global PLM investment growth rates from the year 2011 to 2014 were 15 percent, 11.6 percent, 4.8 percent and 5.6 percent, which opened the door of opportunities for the bigwigs in the industry to install PLM tools. However, to extract best out of these tools, each of these companies needed to customize their PLM tools. While the ambitious companies lacked the understanding of the industry and dived into things without a cohesive plan, G4 Solutions – a Hyderabad headquartered PLM customization enabler – joined the breed of companies who redefined the industry by embarking upon the opportunities for rapid growth in the 'High Value – Low Volume' segment.

Incepted in the year 2009, G4 Solutions is a fast growing engineering services organization with vast pool of best practices and experience in offering cost-effective CAD/CAM/CAE tools. The company also uses this knowledge
pool to provide consultancy and customized CAD/CAM trainings to corporate clients in India and abroad. "We can compete with the best of the lot in handling complex projects and beat them hands down with our pricing in the areas of Product Design/ Tool Design/FEA/Tool Path Generation/Design Automation/Visualization areas," affirms Srinivas Kumar T., Founder & CEO,G4 Solutions & Applications.

G4 Tool Kit – A Unique Offering
Spotting the potential for customization of PLM tools, G4 Solutions introduced 'G4 Tool Kit' to its clients. This tool kit offers a collective experience of their best-in-breed designers and a set of customizable utilities, helping clients to figure out complicated design problems in a timely manner that fit nicely in the clients' pocket. These world-class services are expected to drive the major chunk of revenue in the next 3-5 years. Looking ahead, G4 Tool Kit intends to become customers' favorite 'Design for Manufacture (DFM)' tool, which will address the needs of the customers across the globe.

Visualization, validation and optimization of complex designs are some of the most common issues faced by the clients. Unlike other companies who are always ready to feed customers whatever they have, this five-year old company addresses these challenges by spending quality time to penetrate deep into the problems from the customers'
perspective before offering any solution to these challenges.

G4 Solutions – As a People Friendly Entity
In his famous book 'One Minute Manager', Ken Blanchard has perfectly explained the essence of happy people. He says, 'happy people are the most productive people'. As a people-centric organization, G4 Solutions firmly believes in his ethos and make its people happy, thus productive, promotes the concepts of fun learning. The company also boosts the morale of its team members with initiatives like 'Employee of the Month' and 'Employee of the Year' cash awards. "On the innovation front, we encourage all our team members to look at various design issues, come up with their own approaches to solve them, compare their approach with those of other and embrace the best approach. With this approach, we plan to create more utilities to solve the design problems," says Srinivas. The management believes in acting as a friend, philosopher & guide to the design team. The employees are more of a family than just colleagues. The company emphasizes on giving primary importance to customer expectations and encourages people to excel in their chosen areas. To keep the success ball rolling, G4 Solutions, apart from offering services, is looking forward to develop products that will address the pain points of various clients across the globe.